Saturday, May 26, 2007

autobiography of a yogi

I've started reading the Autobiography of a Yogi and while I'm not very far in yet, I'm quite surprised at the amount these "enlightened" gurus use their sidhi powers, I thought they were an obstacle to be avoided not used for convience or to impress others.... will have to keep reading.

Monday, May 14, 2007

end of the yoga stura blogs but not the end of the journey

I am now finished my current blogs on the yoga sutras. I have learned so much reading and summarizing, intrepretting and thinking about these sutras in my own mind. I intend to return to them again and again throughout my life, as well as other yoga texts and other spiritual texts to help me continually understand more and more a spiritual path.
I hope to be able to follow the yoga sutras directions and guidance in my life.
I am glad to be done this project and my required work for my yoga teacher training, so that now I can truly embrace these teachings for myself and my life. I think that this milestone will reinvigorate my committment to yoga and practice.
Thank you Sarojini, you are truly a wonderful light and a immense influence in my life.
I love and respect you.
Thank you

4.32-4.34 Gunas after liberation

Once this state of freedom has been reached then the gunas are also freed to return to nature. The yogini may chose to use them to interact with the world but is no longer influenced by them. This yogini lives in the moment and is spontaneous without ego, I-ness, attachments of any kind or colored thoughts. She is free from the natural material world.

Om tat Sat


4.31 Knowables become few

sort of the opposite of graduate students come to know that actually know something about their subject area when they realize they actually know nothing in comparison to all there is to know. This sutra explains that when the yogini has reached this level she is comforted in the clear insight that there was very little to know in the beginning.

4.29-4.30 Perpetual enlightenment

To finally reach enlightenment or dharma-meghah Samadhi, one must clear the final attachment, that being to enlightenment itself. When the yogini has reached the highest state of intelligence and has neutralized all attachments and impressions and realized that enlightenment is yet another attachment like any other then all are removed and she is finally free.

4.27-4.28 Breaches in enlightentment

Patanjali explains that once one has reached enlightenment they must still be vigilant in their practice, though subtler than the beginner, as “breaches in enlightentment” are normal. It is important for the student to know and accept this that enlightenment during a lifetime (some lifetime) is not without its own discipline. It is not a time one can simply rest on one’s laurels and congratulate oneself but enlightenment is work in and of itself to maintain.

4.18-4.21 Illumination of the mind

These sutras are summed up by the Gita verse about night and day, meaning that when one is attached to worldly desires it is night for the soul, when the soul becomes illuminated then it is night for the attached consciousness. That one can not be attached to objects and be enlightened.
